“They’re willing to kill themselves”: Kenny Wallace Stands Up for NASCAR and Ignores Michael Jordan

Kenny Wallace Stands Up for NASCAR: Kenny Wallace is standing firmly behind NASCAR during a tough antitrust lawsuit filed by 23XI Racing and Front Row Motorsports. The lawsuit argues that NASCAR’s rules make it difficult for new teams to compete and give an advantage to the established teams, which raises concerns about fairness and money issues. He highlights the importance of NASCAR’s values and calls for fair treatment and increased diversity in the sport.

Key Highlights

  • Kenny Wallace advocates for NASCAR’s core values, emphasizing the importance of community and support for all participants in the sport.
  • He stresses the necessity of diversity and inclusion within motorsports, aligning with NASCAR’s evolving identity.
  • Wallace engages with fans and stakeholders, promoting NASCAR’s positive impact amidst the ongoing antitrust lawsuit drama.
  • He encourages unity in the racing community, urging a focus on competition rather than legal controversies.
  • Wallace’s stance highlights the need for NASCAR to address challenges while preserving its legacy and integrity.


The ongoing antitrust lawsuit against NASCAR has ignited debate within the motorsport community. 23XI Racing and Front Row Motorsports contend that NASCAR, alongside the France family. 

The lawsuit emphasizes a growing discontent among team owners who feel that NASCAR’s charter system and related policies create barriers to entry. Critics argue that the France family possesses excessive control over fundamental decisions that shape the competitive landscape.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the consequences extend beyond the courtroom, prompting discussions about NASCAR’s operational framework. The results of this lawsuit could potentially reshape the future of NASCAR, either reinforcing or challenging the existing power dynamics.

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Reasons for the Lawsuit

Numerous factors contribute to the frustrations that have led to the antitrust lawsuit against NASCAR. Central to the contention is the claim that NASCAR operates as an unjust monopoly, stifling competition and limiting the operational freedom of race teams. Critics argue that this monopolistic behavior undermines the very spirit of motorsport.

Key points of contention include:

  • Track Ownership: NASCAR’s ownership of the majority of racetracks creates an environment where teams are heavily reliant on NASCAR for their race venues, limiting their options and autonomy.
  • Competition Restrictions: Teams are reportedly prohibited from participating in other stock car competitions, which curtails their opportunities for exposure and revenue generation, reinforcing NASCAR’s control over the market.
  • Vendor Limitations: The requirement that teams source car parts exclusively from NASCAR-approved vendors stifles innovation and drives up costs, further entrenching NASCAR’s monopoly.

As tensions rise, the outcome of this legal battle could have profound implications for the future of NASCAR and its relationship with the teams that form its backbone.

NASCAR’s Potential Response

NASCAR faces a critical issue in determining its tactical response. The organization’s historical aversion to perceived threats suggests a possibility of defensive maneuvers. The France family, has exhibited a willingness to take strong actions in the past. Especially in the 1960s when unionization efforts led to the expulsion of prominent drivers Curtis Turner and Tim Flock.

The stakes are particularly high given the involvement of high-profile figures such as Michael Jordan, co-owner of the 23XI team. Ousting such a notable name from the sport could have disastrous consequences for NASCAR’s image and marketability. Instead of outright expulsion, NASCAR could resort to punitive measures, such as scrutinizing team inspections or imposing penalties during races.

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Insights from NASCAR Insider

NASCAR spotter Brett Griffin has minimized the likelihood of retaliatory tactics, indicating that the organization may choose a more measured approach. This suggests that NASCAR may prioritize maintaining its integrity and public perception over engaging in tactics that could be perceived as vindictive. 

“NASCAR owns the officials the officials work for NASCAR and so people in the media said that teams that were in this lawsuit with NASCAR could potentially face more rigorous technical processes pre and post-race I don’t believe that’s true.” -(bret)

Brett Griffin provided valuable insights regarding the organization’s operational integrity during the ongoing antitrust lawsuit. In an episode of Door Bumper Clear, he expressed his strong belief that allegations suggesting NASCAR officials would unfairly penalize teams involved in the lawsuit were unfounded.

 “It’s very technology driven these days. You know this isn’t 1950 anymore where you look at something and go I don’t like the way that looks fix it. Everything is now is measured by lasers and I thought it was kind of a cheap shot for people to say to NASCAR officials, who work more hours than any of us, that there could be some shady stuff going on in there,” -(griffin)

Kenny Wallace Sides With NASCAR

Brett Griffin’s suggestion of outsourcing NASCAR’s specialized processes and officiating to a secondary entity reflects the growing anxiety over perceived integrity issues within the sport.

“If that’s the case if we truly believe as a sport, our fan base, our sponsors, our teams believe that could happen should NASCAR Farm out its technical process and the officiating from the booth to a high integrity third party that could oversee that process to remove that conspiracy theory from even existing. I don’t have a dog in the fight. I hope it’s whatever is best for the sport. I mean, it’s the most famous athlete in American history taking on one of the largest juggernauts in professional sports”-(bret)

Kenny Wallace’s prediction of escalating tensions between NASCAR and the teams suggests a turbulent environment ahead. His assertion that the sport cannot afford to concede to teams like 23XI and Front Row hints at the financial repercussions that could affect, potentially costing NASCAR millions.

“NASCAR cannot let Michael Jordan Front Row win this. Because if they win this, that means NASCAR are going to have to give up millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars. I just think this gon’ be a deal over 23XI and Front Row will have to walk on eggshells. But I think… I almost think they’re martyrs. That’s ugly saying, but that means they’re willing to kill themselves to get this right,” -(wallace)

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News in Brief: Kenny Wallace Stands Up for NASCAR

Kenny Wallace’s defense of NASCAR emphasizes the complexity of the issues at hand, including potential implications for the sport’s reputation and operational integrity. As NASCAR considers its response, the insights from industry insiders will be vital in shaping future strategies. Ultimately, the resolution of this situation may influence public perception and the regulatory landscape of motorsports in the coming years.

ALSO READ: Kenny Wallace Predicts 1M Dollars Loss for NASCAR Icons Amid Legal Chaos!



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