Racing Director Role

Sawyer grapples with enforcing rules while balancing fairness and context in NASCAR's dynamic racing environment.

Inevitable Mistakes

Despite best efforts, mistakes occur, requiring humility, accountability, and continuous improvement within NASCAR's regulatory framework.

Dealing with Persuasion

Sawyer acknowledges the challenge of remaining firm in decisions despite persuasive arguments from influential figures like Rick Hendrick.

Dealing with Persuasion

Sawyer acknowledges the challenge of remaining firm in decisions despite persuasive arguments from influential figures like Rick Hendrick.

Upholding Integrity

Sawyer prioritizes upholding NASCAR's values of integrity and fairness, despite the complexities of his role.

Continuous Improvement

Sawyer emphasizes the need for adaptation and evolution to address emerging challenges within NASCAR's regulatory landscape.

Leadership in Accountability

Sawyer's leadership shows a commitment to accountability, professionalism, and upholding NASCAR's core values.

Ethical Decision-Making

Sawyer confronts ethical dilemmas with diligence and integrity, asserting the importance of fairness and sportsmanship in NASCAR.

Role of Race Directors

Sawyer's role highlights the crucial responsibility of race directors in preserving the integrity of NASCAR.

Maintaining Fair Play

Sawyer's commitment to navigating the complexities of regulation ensures fair competition and sportsmanship in NASCAR.