Suarez competes as a U.S. citizen for the first time at New Hampshire Motor Speedway, marking a career highlight.

Daniel Suarez's Milestone Weekend

Scheduled for Tuesday in Charlotte, N.C., Suarez's ceremony culminates years of effort and dedication to achieve citizenship.

U.S. Citizenship Ceremony

Started 12 years ago upon moving to the U.S., Suarez's path involved visas and eventually earning a green card.

Long Journey to Citizenship

Suarez emphasized the financial burden and lengthy process involved in obtaining U.S. citizenship over time.

Financial and  Emotional Challenges

Julia Piquet played a crucial role as Suarez's teacher during citizenship studies, making the process enjoyable and supportive.

Support from Fiancée  and Team

Testing and Preparation

Suarez found the citizenship test challenging but enjoyed learning U.S. history and government to succeed.

Suarez's journey highlights NASCAR's diversity and international appeal, resonating with fans from various backgrounds.

Celebration of Diversity in NASCAR

Competing as a U.S. citizen symbolizes a new chapter personally and professionally for Suarez in NASCAR.

Personal and  Professional Milestone

Suarez expressed gratitude for the support of fans, fellow drivers, and the broader NASCAR community throughout his journey.

Gratitude for Supportive Community

Looking forward, Suarez remains focused on his racing career and is excited about achieving new milestones and victories.

Future Goals and Aspirations