Denny Hamlin criticized NASCAR's safety measures, arguing they are inadequate for protecting drivers during high-speed racing incidents.

Denny Hamlin Criticizes NASCAR Safety

Recent aggressive driving tactics have led to more crashes, highlighting the pressing need for improved safety measures in NASCAR.

Increase in Aggressive Driving

The recent surge in cars becoming airborne prompts a critical review of NASCAR's vehicle design and safety equipment effectiveness.

Concerns Over Airborne Cars

Hamlin suggested that flipping cars can disperse energy during crashes, potentially reducing impact severity, despite its appearance of danger.

Hamlin's Perspective on Flipping

Dale Earnhardt Jr. acknowledged the ongoing risks of flipping, noting that while safety measures are improving, the danger persists.

Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Views

Recent races have seen increased chaos and crashes, highlighting the ongoing challenge of balancing excitement with driver safety.

Chaotic Recent NASCAR Races

The increase in cars flipping during races raises questions about the adequacy of current safety protocols and vehicle design.

Rising Frequency of  Airborne Incidents

Hamlin argued against excessive regulations to prevent flipping, believing it can slow cars and potentially reduce injury severity.

Hamlin on Safety Regulations

Earnhardt Jr. highlighted the trade-off between maintaining high speeds and ensuring safety, acknowledging that danger is part of racing.

Earnhardt Jr. on Speed vs. Safety

Hamlin’s criticism shows the need for NASCAR to urgently reassess and improve safety standards to prevent severe racing incidents.

Urgency for Safety Reassessment