Plans By Organizers

Organizers are working hard to make sure everything goes smoothly. They're using lessons from the past to make this event even better than expected.

Inaugural Success

Last year's race surprised doubters by showing that it's possible and safe to have a fast race in the city of Chicago.


Returning Victory

Because of last year's success, organizers said the race will happen again. They said it's a big deal for motorsports fun.

Circuit Excitement

The race will be held through iconic streets like Columbus Drive, Lake Shore Drive, and Michigan Avenue, thrilling fans anew.

Weather Challenges

Last year's race had heavy rain that flooded the track. Some music concerts planned for the event had to be canceled.

Persevering Spirit

Even though the weather was bad, Shane van Gisbergen won the race. This shows that the organizers were determined and didn't give up.

Optimistic Preparations

With less than 100 days left, organizers are getting ready for the event. They're working hard to handle any problems with the weather and make sure everything runs smoothly.


Julie Giese Leads

Event president Julie Giese is enthusiastic, ensuring this year’s edition surpasses expectations with better weather conditions.

Comprehensive Experience

Top musical acts and racing thrills promise an unforgettable weekend, providing live music with NASCAR excitement.

Anticipation Peaks

As the countdown goes on, Chicago is getting ready for another exciting race. This makes the race an important event for the city.