HomeNASCAR NewsNASCAR Drivers NewsRiley Herbst’s 23XI Racing Call-Up Rumors Spark Controversy Among NASCAR Fans

Riley Herbst’s 23XI Racing Call-Up Rumors Spark Controversy Among NASCAR Fans

Riley Herbst’s 23XI Racing Call-Up Rumors: The rumors of Riley Herbst‘s potential call-up to 23XI Racing have sparked a heated debate within the NASCAR communit. While Herbst’s association with Monster Energy could provide valuable sponsorship benefits for 23XI Racing, many fans argue that Corey Heim represents a more deserving candidate based on performance and potential. This controversy brings to light the complexities of team decisions in a sport where financial backing often plays a critical role. The fans’ passionate reactions indicate the ongoing struggle to balance business imperatives with the integrity of the sport.

Key Highlights

  • Fans express frustration over Riley Herbst’s rumored call-up, favoring Corey Heim based on performance and talent.
  • Herbst’s potential inclusion sparks debate about prioritizing sponsorship deals, with Monster Energy backing Herbst.
  • Supporters argue Heim’s consistent top-tier performances merit his selection over Herbst.
  • Concerns arise over NASCAR’s driver selection integrity, balancing commercial interests against competitive excellence.
  • The controversy highlights broader fan discontent with perceived financial influences in driver decisions.

SHR Selling Charters and 23XI Racing’s Interest

As Stewart Haas Racing (SHR) prepares to withdraw from the Cup Series and sell its charters, 23XI Racing, co-owned by Denny Hamlin and Michael Jordan, is strategically positioning itself to acquire one of these valuable assets. The departure of SHR marks a notable change in the NASCAR landscape, driven by the differing future plans of co-owners Tony Stewart and Gene Haas. While Stewart seeks to devote more time to familial commitments, Haas is directing his focus towards the Xfinity Series, thereby requiring the sale of their well-regarded charters.

The tactical interest of 23XI Racing in these charters highlights a broader ambition within the organization. Since its inception, 23XI Racing has aimed to expand its presence in the NASCAR arena, leveraging the combined expertise and celebrity influence of its co-founders. The acquisition of an SHR charter aligns seamlessly with this vision, providing an opportunity to strengthen their competitive edge and operational scale within the Cup Series.

This potential acquisition is not simply a transaction but a calculated move to secure a foothold in a fiercely competitive environment. Charters in the NASCAR Cup Series are sought-after assets, offering guaranteed entry into races and a share of the revenue pool. For 23XI Racing, securing an SHR charter translates into both an immediate competitive advantage and a long-term investment in their racing program’s sustainability and growth.

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Potential Drivers for 23XI Racing

With 23XI Racing’s calculated interest in acquiring an SHR charter, attention naturally turns to potential drivers who could capitalize on this expanded opportunity. Currently, the spotlight is on Corey Heim and Riley Herbst, with the latter emerging as a frontrunner, according to FOX Sports’ Bob Pockrass. This potential move is further reinforced by Herbst’s existing partnership with Monster Energy, which already has a presence within the team through Tyler Reddick.

The potential inclusion of Riley Herbst into the 23XI Racing roster comes with several tactical advantages. First and foremost, his alignment with Monster Energy ensures a smooth integration into the team’s existing sponsorship framework. Additionally, Herbst’s prior experience and performance metrics position him as a viable candidate to strengthen the team’s competitive edge. Nevertheless, the decision is not without controversy, as NASCAR fans have expressed mixed reactions to this potential call-up.

Fans’ Preference for Corey Heim

Fans of Corey Heim have voiced strong opposition to the potential call-up of Riley Herbst to 23XI Racing, citing Heim’s consistent top-tier performances as a compelling argument for his inclusion. Heim’s path in the Xfinity and Truck series has been nothing short of impressive, marked by numerous top 10 finishes and a notable victory at the CRC BRACKLEEN 150. This track record has solidified his reputation as a prodigious talent, making his exclusion from the call-up conversation a point of contention among his supporters.

Heim’s backers argue that his results speak for themselves, showcasing a level of consistency and skill that they believe would translate well to the higher echelons of NASCAR. Over the past two seasons, Heim’s performance metrics have continually placed him in the upper echelons of race finishes, often securing top 5 positions. This pattern of excellence underlines his capability to compete at a higher level, prompting fans to advocate fervently for his advancement.

The debate centers around the meritocratic principles that should govern such decisions. Fans emphasize that Heim’s proven track record and his ability to deliver under pressure make him a deserving candidate for the 23XI Racing seat. They see his potential as not only a future asset for the team but also as an embodiment of the sport’s competitive spirit.

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Fans’ Discontent with Riley Herbst’s Rumored Move

Despite the strong case made for Corey Heim, discontent is growing among fans regarding Riley Herbst‘s rumored call-up to 23XI Racing. Bob Pockrass‘s explanation of Herbst’s ties with Monster Energy has illuminated the rationale behind this potential move, but fans remain unconvinced.

The sentiment among the NASCAR community is that while Herbst is a competent contender, Corey Heim is perceived as a more natural and superior fit for the team. One fan succinctly voiced the collective frustration by noting that although the reasoning behind Herbst’s consideration is now clearer, it would still be ‘stupid‘ for the team to overlook Heim.

This fan articulated a widely held belief that Heim’s talent and compatibility with 23XI Racing are significantly greater, stating, “Corey is miles ahead.” Such comments underscore the prevailing view that Heim’s skill set and potential align more closely with the team’s competitive aspirations.

“Ok, now this honestly makes more sense, but they’d be so stupid to give up Corey. I like them both, but come on, Corey is miles ahead.”


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Further compounding the discontent is the fact that nothing has been publicly confirmed, leaving room for speculation and hope among Heim’s supporters. Another fan’s straightforward remark, “Should be Corey Heim,” encapsulates a broad consensus that Heim is the preferable choice. The ambiguity of the situation only adds to the tension, as fans await an official announcement with bated breath.

Fans’ Outcry and the Money vs Talent Debate

The ongoing debate surrounding Riley Herbst‘s rumored call-up to 23XI Racing has reignited the contentious issue of prioritizing sponsorship deals over inherent talent in NASCAR. Fans have been vocal, with many expressing disappointment that Corey Heim, who has shown exceptional skill and consistent performance in the Truck Series, may be overlooked in favor of Herbst.

Heim’s multiple race victories have established him as a formidable driver, earning the admiration of fans who believe his results merit a promotion to the Cup Series. Conversely, critics argue that Herbst’s potential ascension is influenced more by his association with Monster Energy, a lucrative sponsor, rather than his track record.

“The classic story of money over talent” – fans’ reaction

While the financial realities of motorsports cannot be ignored, the overwhelming support for Heim highlights a growing frustration among fans who feel that genuine talent is being sidelined. One fan’s emphatic statement, ‘He’s going to do terrible,’ emphasizes the skepticism surrounding Herbst’s potential performance and further fuels the debate.

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News in Brief: Riley Herbst’s 23XI Racing Call-Up Rumors

The controversy surrounding Riley Herbst‘s rumored call-up to 23XI Racing highlights the ongoing tension between financial support and meritocratic principles in NASCAR.

While Herbst’s connection with Monster Energy may offer commercial advantages, the favoritism among fans for Corey Heim highlights the significance of perceived skill and racing ability.

This debate emphasizes the intricacies faced by racing teams as they navigate the twin mandates of securing sponsorship and nurturing authentic talent, prompting broader reflections on the sport’s evolving priorities.

ALSO READ: Riley Herbst and Crew Chief Reflect on Growth Amid Team Changes

Khushal Bhatia
Khushal Bhatiahttps://slicksandsticks.com/
Khushal Bhatia, a distinguished BA (Hons) English graduate from St. Stephen College (University of Delhi) and a holder of a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism (English) from IIMC Delhi, is an accomplished journalist. Currently affiliated with Slicksandsticks.com, Khushal is an expert in covering a range of sports topics with a specialization in motorsports, particularly NASCAR. His insightful articles explore the nuances of the sporting world, providing readers with comprehensive analysis and the latest updates. With a commitment to unbiased reporting, Khushal's expertise and authoritative voice make him a reliable source for sports enthusiasts.


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