HomeNASCAR NewsNASCAR Drivers NewsTony Stewart Praises Kyle Larson: 'I Think He’s Better Than Me'

Tony Stewart Praises Kyle Larson: ‘I Think He’s Better Than Me’

Tony Stewart Praises Kyle Larson: Tony Stewart‘s recent commendation of Kyle Larson, where he declared, ‘I think he’s better than me,’ is not just casual praise but a significant acknowledgment from one of motorsport’s most accomplished figures. This statement, layered with humility and insight, does not merely flatter Larson but sets a high benchmark in the racing community, reflecting Larson’s rapidly growing influence in the sport. Stewart’s perspective offers a compelling lens through which to examine Larson’s career trajectory and achievements.

Key Takeaways

  • Tony Stewart publicly acknowledges Kyle Larson’s superior racing talent compared to his own.
  • Stewart’s praise emphasizes Larson’s exceptional skill set and racing achievements.
  • Recognition from Stewart, a renowned racer, significantly boosts Larson’s professional reputation.
  • Stewart’s comments reflect his belief in Larson’s potential to surpass established motorsport legends.
  • The endorsement highlights Larson’s versatility and mastery across different racing disciplines.

Tony Stewart’s Endorsement of Kyle Larson

Although Tony Stewart has faced his own controversies, his steadfast endorsement of Kyle Larson highlights a significant vote of confidence in Larson’s abilities and character. Stewart’s public support not only emphasizes his belief in Larson’s racing skills but also signals a broader acceptance and rehabilitation of Larson’s image post-2020 suspension. This endorsement, coming from a figure like Stewart, who has navigated the highs and lows of a storied racing career, carries considerable weight within the NASCAR community.

Stewart’s advocacy for Larson transcends mere words; it has been an active effort marked by attempts to recruit Larson to his own racing team. This move can be seen as a strategic alignment with one of the most talented drivers in the circuit, an investment in Larson’s potential to bring competitive advantage and prestige. Additionally, Stewart’s public commendations of Larson’s commitment to handling the demands and challenges of double-duty racing enrich Larson’s stature and marketability in the sport.

This endorsement also functions as a significant form of capital in motorsports, where the backing of respected figures can often redirect the trajectory of a driver’s career. In Larson’s case, Stewart’s backing has played a role in the recalibration of his public and professional persona, facilitating a pathway back to the competition.

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Stewart Sees Himself in Larson

Tony Stewart’s profound admiration for Kyle Larson reflects his recognition of a shared mastery in diverse racing disciplines, a reflection of his own storied career. Stewart, known as ‘Smoke’ for his fiery track presence and versatility, sees a mirror of his younger self in Larson—a racer not confined by the boundaries of a single type of motorsport but excelling across multiple formats. This rare ability to transcend categories in racing is not just about skill but also about a deep passion and commitment to the sport, traits that Stewart recognizes and values highly in Larson.

The bond between Stewart and Larson goes beyond mere acknowledgment of talent; it’s an acknowledgment of a shared ethos and approach to racing. Their careers are not just about winning races but about leaving a mark on every track, every type of car, and every fan that watches them. This kinship is rooted in a mutual understanding of what it takes to be more than a racer but a true innovator in the sport.

  • Resonance of Legacy: Understanding that someone carries forward the torch of racing with integrity and passion.
  • Recognition of Mastery: Acknowledging the unique ability to excel across a range of motorsport disciplines.
  • Emotional Connection: Stirring a sense of pride and nostalgia for the continuance of a racing philosophy.

Stewart’s view of Larson as a version of himself is layered with respect and a hint of vicarious thrill, seeing his own racing philosophy and fervor being carried forward in the sport he loves deeply. This is not just mentorship; it is a recognition of a shared soul of racing.

Stewart’s Praise for Larson

Despite choosing a different team, Kyle Larson’s outstanding performance has continually earned him high praise from racing legend Tony Stewart.

In 2021, Larson’s decision to join Hendrick Motorsports (HMS) over Stewart-Haas Racing did not deter Stewart’s admiration, particularly after Larson secured the championship with an impressive series of victories. Stewart’s commendation of Larson as ‘the best race car driver I’ve ever seen’ following his championship victory highlights a recognition that transcends team affiliations and speaks to a broader appreciation of talent and skill in the motorsport arena.

Stewart’s praise for Larson is not only a reflection of individual achievement but also emphasizes a broader narrative of excellence and potential in racing. By recognizing Larson’s capabilities, Stewart elevates the conversation around what makes a racer truly outstanding, pointing to consistency, resilience, and the ability to excel under challenging circumstances. These qualities, as demonstrated by Larson’s nine victories and 20 top-5 finishes in a single season, set a standard that even seasoned veterans like Stewart admire.


“Congratulations to the best race car driver I’ve ever seen.”

“I think he’s [Kyle Larson] got a little of that old school feel. It’s where drivers jumped around and ran this and ran that. And anytime he changes and drives something new, he figures it out pretty quick and his natural talent just shines through it. […] He can do things that, that you can’t take every IndyCar driver, you can’t take every NASCAR driver and have the results that you get with Kyle. He just, he’s one of those exceptional talents that probably once every generation, you have a guy like him that, that comes in and, and can do that, but he’s just, he’s just something special.” – tony

Furthermore, as Larson takes on the ambitious challenge of successfully managing double duty in racing, Stewart’s renewed praise reinforces the notion that Larson’s skill set is exceptional. This ongoing endorsement from a figure like Stewart not only enriches Larson’s stature within the racing community but also encourages a reevaluation of what it means to excel in this demanding sport.

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Stewart’s Comments on Larson’s Talent

Stewart, a revered figure in motorsport, draws from a deep well of experience when he assesses Larson, recognizing in him a rare blend of versatility and instinctual skill evocative of racing’s golden era. According to Stewart, Larson’s ability to adapt seamlessly to different racing formats isn’t just impressive—it’s indicative of a generational talent, a racer who transcends the typical boundaries of NASCAR and IndyCar with a seemingly effortless grace.

Stewart’s admiration for Larson is palpable and is grounded not only in Larson’s success but in the aesthetic of his performance. He likens Larson to iconic figures such as AJ Foyt and Mario Andretti, suggesting that Larson’s talent could place him among the motorsport legends.

 “Yeah! I mean, I think he’s, you know, I think he’s better than me in a lot of aspects. He reminds me of AJ Foyt and Mario Andretti a lot. I mean, he just, he just can do it all and, and makes it look easy, but it’s fun to watch when he drives something. It is fun to watch him drive a race car.“ -tony

  • Stewart sees a reflection of his younger self in Larson but acknowledges Larson’s superior natural talent.
  • He emphasizes the rarity of Larson’s gift, suggesting such a talent emerges only once every generation.
  • Stewart finds joy and a sense of awe in watching Larson compete, encapsulating the emotional impact of witnessing such a talent in action.

Larson’s Performance at Indy 500 Practice

Reflecting on Tony Stewart’s high praise, Kyle Larson’s remarkable performance during the Indy 500 practice sessions clearly demonstrates why he garners such admiration. Larson, shifting from NASCAR triumphs to the demands of IndyCar, not only adapted but also excelled, marking a lap at an impressive 234.271 mph. This feat positioned him momentarily as the fastest on the track, surpassing seasoned circuit stalwarts and hinting at his potential dominance in this new arena.

The competitive landscape of the Indy 500 is unforgiving, yet Larson’s performance suggests a seamless integration into IndyCar’s elite echelons. His speed, a mere fraction behind Colton Herta’s leading 234.974 mph, highlights not just raw speed but a strategic expertise in handling the #17 Hendrickcars.com Chevy for Arrow McLaren/Hendrick Motorsports. This adaptability is pivotal, given the diverse challenges posed by IndyCar’s varied circuits compared to the ovals of NASCAR.

Moreover, Larson’s influence extends beyond his own cockpit. Kevin Harvick, taking Larson’s car for a test, managed a commendable performance under Larson’s shadow, completing 90 laps and finishing P25. While not at the forefront, Harvick’s stint highlighted the car’s reliability and the team’s strategic proficiency under stress, elements likely fine-tuned by Larson’s feedback and driving data.

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News in Brief: Tony Stewart Praises Kyle Larson

Tony Stewart’s endorsement of Kyle Larson not only enhances Larson’s stature in motorsports but also signifies a significant moment of acknowledgment from a seasoned professional of his peer’s superior capabilities.

Stewart’s comparison of Larson to himself, coupled with his open acknowledgment of Larson’s greater talent, highlights a deep respect and validation of Larson’s skills.

This approval may indeed spark further recognition and opportunities for Larson, potentially shaping his trajectory in the racing world.

Our Reader’s Queries

Q. What was Tony Stewart’s famous quote?

A. “Honestly, I’d love to see how I’d look in a cowboy hat. When you evaluate our team, it’s clear that the driver is still our weak point. No matter how skilled you are, you need that burning desire to win every week when you hit the track.”

Q. What was Kyle Larson’s quote?

A. Kyle Larson’s quote, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall,” perfectly captures the spirit of resilience and determination in racing.

Q. How rich is Kyle Larson?

A. As of 2023, Kyle Larson has built a net worth of $12 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth. His earnings come from race winnings, endorsements, and various ventures. The Hendrick Motorsports standout is signed with the team through 2026, with reports indicating he earns around $10 million annually from his current contract.

ALSO READ: Tony Stewart Eyes SHR Downsizing Amid Silly Season Buzz

Khushal Bhatia
Khushal Bhatiahttps://slicksandsticks.com/
Khushal Bhatia, a distinguished BA (Hons) English graduate from St. Stephen College (University of Delhi) and a holder of a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism (English) from IIMC Delhi, is an accomplished journalist. Currently affiliated with Slicksandsticks.com, Khushal is an expert in covering a range of sports topics with a specialization in motorsports, particularly NASCAR. His insightful articles explore the nuances of the sporting world, providing readers with comprehensive analysis and the latest updates. With a commitment to unbiased reporting, Khushal's expertise and authoritative voice make him a reliable source for sports enthusiasts.


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