HomeNASCAR NewsNASCAR Xfinity Series NewsXfinity Manufacturer Standings After Charlotte: Current Rankings

Xfinity Manufacturer Standings After Charlotte: Current Rankings

Xfinity Manufacturer Standings After Charlotte: Following the Charlotte race on May 25, 2024, the 12th race of the season, the cumulative points total for each racing manufacturer has been calculated across all 33 races of the season. With the prestigious Manufacturer’s Championship up for grabs at the season’s end, manufacturers are fiercely competing to assert their dominance on the track. Each race serves as a pivotal battleground, where manufacturers showcase the performance and reliability of their machines, driving the pursuit of excellence in motorsports.

Xfinity Manufacturer Standings After Charlotte

2 TOYOTA 425 -25 5
3 FORD 375 -75 0


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Augustine Gomes
Augustine Gomes
Augustine Gomes is a dedicated NASCAR enthusiast and experienced journalist covering everything from races and events to race results, player standings, controversies, and more. With a passion for racing deeply ingrained, Augustine not only reports on the sport but also actively participates as a kart racer. His expertise and love for motorsport shine through in his comprehensive coverage of NASCAR, making him a trusted voice in the racing community. Whether it's analyzing race schedules, team standings, manufacturer standings, or exploring race controversies, Augustine provides insightful updates for fans eager to stay informed. Follow Augustine on slickandsticks.com for the latest NASCAR updates and insider perspectives.


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